5 tips on staying empowered through a medical diagnosis

How to stay empowered through a medical diagnosis:

1. Accept the diagnosis, not the prognosis

Your body is unique. No one can 100% truthfully tell you how your body will respond to a disease or dysfunction. Your body will respond and heal in its own way. Remember your body is always striving for balance and health. It is on your side.

2. You always have choice

Receiving a diagnosis can be very scary. Medics can sometimes use black and white language, give you the worse case scenarios and leave you feeling like you only have one option. The medical approach can be lifesaving and the best thing to do but sometimes it can be drastic, invasive and high risk. Don’t rush into a decision and trust your instincts above all else.

3. Seek out support from others with the same diagnosis

Listening to other people’s real-life stories and experiences can be valuable. Sharing your own story with others can help you process difficult emotions. Support from family and friends is essential but sometimes their advice is clouded by their own fears and worries about you. Speaking to someone outside of your circle who has the same condition can provide you with the objective support you need.

4. Gather information and empower yourself with knowledge

Understand your options and do your own research. When you have gathered enough information and feel 70% sure about your decision, then act. Rushing into a decision before you have all the information and options available can lead to regret later. Also procrastinating, denying and burying your head in the sand won’t help either. Reach out, ask as many questions as you need from various sources, take time to digest it all and sit with your options before making a choice.

5. Prioritise joyful hobbies and doing things you love

Hobbies and creative interests usually help us connect deeper with our true selves. Time slows down, we are in the moment and the busy chatter in our heads quietens down. Doing things we love, with the people we love, helps us tune into what’s important. Clarity and renewal can come after spending time outdoors, playing or creating. Movement and play are great stress relievers and you need that more than ever. Lean into the joy that’s available to you right now.


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